
當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)   >    產(chǎn)品中心   >    生物制藥儀器   >    總有機(jī)碳分析儀   >   toc總有機(jī)碳分析儀 產(chǎn)品展示


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總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)產(chǎn)品  總有機(jī)碳分析儀是北京北廣精儀公司自主研發(fā)的高精度總有機(jī)碳分析儀器。產(chǎn)品使用電導(dǎo)率差值檢測(cè)技術(shù),檢測(cè)精度高,響應(yīng)時(shí)間短。產(chǎn)品符合國(guó)家法規(guī)和標(biāo)準(zhǔn),可滿足制藥用水、注射用水、超純水和去離子水的在線及離線的檢測(cè)要求。

Total organic carbon analyzer analysis of Beijing north of precision instrument company independent research and development of total organic carbon in high precision. Product using the conductivity difference detection technology, high detection accuracy, short response time. Products in line with national regulations and standards to meet the pharmaceutical water, water, ultra pure water and de ionized water online and offline testing requirements.


一.  總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  工作原理


Working principle

The instrument adopts the principle of UV oxidation, the oxidation of organic matter in the sample for carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide is tested by direct conductivity method, the total carbon content through the test after oxidation samples and samples without content difference of total inorganic carbon oxidation reaction to the determination of total organic carbon content, namely: Total Organic C (TOC) = total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC).

二. 總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)








8.符合國(guó)家2010版《中國(guó)藥典》規(guī)定的測(cè)試方案,可以提供 IQ/OQ/PQ 服務(wù)。

Product features

1 instruments using portable design, the use of light, easy to move to the sampling point.

2 the use of embedded systems, touch screen design, pure Chinese operation is convenient and simple.

3 for pharmaceutical water (TOC content in the 1000ppb below) total organic carbon content of the test design, detection.

4 equipped with a large number of storage space, can store a lot of test data.

5 Chinese print, output test parameters, test results.

6 in the use, storage and replacement process does not require gas or reagents, no moving parts, reduce the cost of maintenance and maintenance.

7 when the test sample concentration exceeds the prescribed limit, the instrument can automatically alarm, and output control signal.

8 in line with the national version of the 2010 edition of the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" provisions of the test program, you can provide IQ/OQ/PQ services.

三、 總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  性能規(guī)格:

測(cè)量范圍:0.01mg/L~1.000 mg/L(此處可調(diào))

精 度:±4% 測(cè)試范圍

分 辨 率:0.001mg /L



檢測(cè)極限:0.001mg /L

樣品溫度:1- 95℃

重復(fù)性誤差:≤ 3%


顯 示 屏:彩色觸摸屏


Performance specifications:

Measurement range: 0.01mg/L ~ 1 mg/L (here adjustable)

Accuracy: + 4% test range

Resolution: /L 0.001mg

Analysis time: continuous analysis

Response time: 6 minutes

Detection limit: /L 0.001mg

Sample temperature: 1- 95

Repeatability error: less than 3%

Power demand / function: 220V

Display: color touch screen

Operation control: Wireless Bluetooth technology;

四. 總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域:



Application domain:

On line monitoring and laboratory testing of pharmaceutical water (purified water, water for injection), and cleaning validation;

Environmental testing, electronic industry, food industry, etc..

五、 總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  產(chǎn)品說(shuō)明:

總有機(jī)碳(TOC)分析儀采用世界先的雙波長(zhǎng)紅外外氧化技術(shù),精度高、靈敏度高。高性能CPU,觸摸屏智能化控制,具有離線分析和在線分析選配功能,配制外置式打印機(jī),人性化的設(shè)計(jì)理念,更換UV燈和泵管不用拆開(kāi)機(jī)箱,操作簡(jiǎn)單、方便,實(shí)現(xiàn)了分析儀器國(guó)產(chǎn)化。符合《中國(guó)藥典》2010版附錄 VIII R制藥用水中總有機(jī)碳測(cè)定法,滿足藥典對(duì)儀器的要求:①TOC=TC-TIC,②系統(tǒng)適用性試驗(yàn),③檢測(cè)靈敏度(等于或小于0.001mg/L)。

Product description:

Total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer using the world's leading double wave Changhong external oxidation technology, high precision, high sensitivity. High performance CPU touch screen, inligent control, with off-line analysis and on-line analysis of the matching function with external printer, humanized design idea, replacing the UV lamp and tubing without opening the box, simple and convenient operation, to achieve the localization of instrument analysis. In accordance with "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" 2010 Edition appendix VIII R pharmaceutical determination of total organic carbon in water, to meet the requirements of Pharmacopoeia of the instrument: TOC=TC-TIC, applicability test of the system, the detection sensitivity (equal to or less than 0.001mg/L).

六、 總有機(jī)碳分析儀(TOC)新品研發(fā)  主要特征:









Main features:

Very high accuracy, high sensitivity, simple operation.

This user-friendly interface, a key operation function, automatic tube cleaning function.

This high performance CPU, touch screen design, large color 640*480 dot matrix display.

I don't need to open the chassis to replace the UV lamp and tubing.

This detection limit can be set, automatic limit alarm function.

This is a RS232 data interface, the historical data can be stored for 6 months.

By off-line detection and on-line detection can be optional.

It has a print function



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