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型 號BDJC-100KV






擊穿強度耐電壓測試儀符合國標:GB/T1408-2006、ASTM (D)149試驗方式:直流/交流:擊穿試驗、耐壓試驗、階梯試驗顯示方式:曲線/數(shù)據(jù)顯示,數(shù)據(jù)打印。試驗空間:絕緣油/空氣升壓速率:0.1KV/S-3KV/S整機精度:≤2%關(guān)于擊穿電壓測試術(shù)語、定義及類型:1、耐電壓值: 將電壓升高到規(guī)定值,保持一定時間試樣未被擊穿,稱此電壓值為試樣的耐電壓值;2、擊穿電壓: 試樣在某一電壓作用下被擊穿,此時的電壓值稱擊穿電壓;3、擊穿電壓強度: 試樣的擊穿電壓與其厚度之比,稱電壓強度,以KV/mm表示。




1、 試驗主機一臺
2、 10萬伏電壓擊穿試驗儀高壓發(fā)生器一臺
8、 試驗用電極 ¢25mm兩個 ¢75mm一個(可根據(jù)材料定制)
9、 試驗用油盒一只:材質(zhì)為有機玻璃
10、放電棒一支(使用方法:試驗結(jié)束,電機歸位后關(guān)掉電源開關(guān),拿出放電棒,拉直伸縮桿,將接地夾另一頭插入放電幫金屬探頭插孔中,然后將接地夾夾到儀器接地端上,手握絕緣手柄,打開試驗箱玻璃門,用金屬探頭接觸高壓頭即變壓器端。 注意:在每次試驗完成后拿出樣品前都要事先*放電,在放電時,在放電點接觸停留時間超過2秒。)


Breakdown strength resistance voltage tester (BDJC-100KV)
The breakdown voltage tester, dielectric breakdown strength tester, high voltage breakdown tester, voltage breakdown tester, voltage breakdown tester, dielectric breakdown strength tester of electric power, power frequency withstand voltage breakdown tester, voltage breakdown tester, electrical insulation material strength tester, breakdown strength tester, electrical strength tester, the dielectric strength tester, electrical breakdown voltage tester, dielectric strength tester, solid insulation tester electrical strength tester resistance materials, breakdown voltage of vulcanized rubber punctave dielectric strength tester, high voltage breakdown strength, power frequency breakdown voltage tester, tester insulation material industrial power frequency of dielectric the breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of solid electrical rubber plastic film, the frequency of the voltage or DC voltage breakdown strength and voltage withstand test instrument.
Breakdown strength resistance voltage testing instrument in line with the national standard: GB/T1408-2006, ASTM (D) 149 test mode: DC / AC: breakdown test, pressure test, step test display: curve / data display, data printing. Test space: insulating oil / air pressure rate: 0.1KV/S-3KV/S machine accuracy: less than 2% of the breakdown voltage test terms, definitions and types: 1, high voltage: the voltage is increased to a predetermined value, to maintain a certain time of sample breakdown is not known, the voltage withstanding voltage values of samples; 2, the breakdown voltage of sample in a breakdown voltage, the voltage value of the breakdown voltage and breakdown voltage strength; 3: the sample breakdown voltage and thickness ratio, said voltage strength, as indicated by KV/mm.
Breakdown strength resistance voltage tester safety protection function:
1, the test in the test chamber, the test box door open when the power supply is not added to the high voltage transformer input side, that is, the high voltage side no voltage. 100KV test equipment of high voltage electrode distance test box wall distance is greater than 270mm, 50KV test equipment of high voltage electrode distance test box wall distance is greater than 250mm, even when the test contact wall of the box will not be in danger.
2, equipment to install a separate protective ground. The protective earth wire is mainly to reduce the strong electromagnetic interference generated by the breakdown of the sample. Can also avoid the control of computer control.
3, the circuit of the test equipment is equipped with a number of protective measures, including: over current protection, over-voltage protection, leakage protection, short-circuit protection, DC test discharge alarm, electromagnetic discharge, etc..
4, the test in the test chamber, the test box door open when the power supply is not added to the high voltage transformer input side, that is, the high voltage side no voltage. 100KV test equipment, the nearest distance from the wall of the high voltage electrode distance test case, test, even if people have access to the tank wall will not be dangerous.
5, the instrument test process such as air relative humidity is greater than two, the distance between the 70% electrodes air discharge will increase a lot, so the test and equipment to maintain a distance of 1.2 meters.
6, the instrument control computer designed for voltage breakdown testing machine design, do not arbitrarily add and remove programs or move for it to use.
7, the company reserves the right to improve the equipment, not to be notified to the user.
Breakdown strength resistance voltage tester main configuration: (using domestic well-known or import parts)
1, a test host
2, 100 thousand V voltage breakdown tester, a high voltage generator
3, fully automatic microcomputer voltage regulator device (serial mode)
4, stepper motor
5, a set of control system
6, voltage and current acquisition module set
7, over current protection device set
8, test of two electrode 25mm Phi 75mm a (according to the material can be customized)
9, test oil box one: material for organic glass
10, a discharge rod (using the method: the end of the experiment, the motor homing after turn off the power switch, with discharge rod, a escopic rod straightening, the grounding clip insert the other end of the discharge for the metal probe socket, then the grounding clip to the instrument grounding terminal, with insulated handle, open test box the glass door head with a metal probe is in contact with the high-voltage transformer end. Note: before each test is completed, the sample must be fully discharged in advance, in the discharge, the discharge point of contact for more than 2 seconds.
11, voltage breakdown computer control software set
12, a computer
13, color inkjet printer
14, the national level measurement and identification of a quality certificate
15, a copy of the instructions of the product
16, a set of data lines
17, a certificate of qualification


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